Hey there! looking for a nice community atmosphere, need a safe place to play and build look no further, come join BuildTopia. We have a few rules which are aimed at creating a fun and enjoyable environment. We have mini-games, special activity nights , grief prevention, ts server and a nice economy with player shops at the market place.

Why don't you try us, everyone is welcome, if you don't like our server let us know via the forum and we will see what we can do to improve it.

We hope you enjoy playing our server as much as we do, if not, let us know why so we can continue to improve :)

TeamSpeak3 Server

Server Rules

The server rules can be read on the forums,

About The Server

Buildtopia's friendly staff aim to ensure that the players have an enjoyable minecraft experience, the staff enjoy helping and are here to assist you.

Note on measurement: a server is marked as "offline" if it was unreachable for two checks - two checks equals min. 40 minutes.

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